New Prosperity Devon

New Prosperity Devon

Transition Exeter and Exeter Quaker Meeting have supported the development of a new social enterprise, New Prosperity Devon, devoted to catalysing conversations and partnerships promoting an inclusive and sustainable kind of economic development for Devon, carrying out projects and providing research and consultancy to other institutions.

Three events are planned for Thursday 26th September at Exeter Community Centre, EX4 3RG. These are:

1 – 2 pm Talk: Community Wealth Building: The Preston Model
Tom Lloyd Goodwin explains how the co-operation of the City Council, University and public services in Preston to use their spending to support local enterprises and start-ups has brought new life to the city with good jobs and thriving culture.

2 – 4 pm “Purposeful Procurement” 1
Seminar on procurement for social and environmental value in large institutions – a sharing of experience from the Centre for Local Economic Strategies in Manchester and institutions and councils in Devon.

6 – 8 pm “Purposeful Procurement” 2
What’s Possible and Where Next?
Co-hosted with the RSA. Discussion with local businesses, community organisations and individuals about learning so far and possible next steps.

Further details and booking: