The communications working group comprises the administration, web and newsletter teams. We send stories on our activities to the local media and circulate details via our newsletter, website and social media.
Transition Exeter would like your help in planning for a more resilient and sustainable Exeter of the future. We would also like to comment more actively on current events and issues that affect how far we can all move to sustainable living; things like local community initiatives, growth of the city, transport policy, energy etc.
We want to prepare Exeter for the challenges we are going to face over the coming years and would like to hear your view on these issues and their likely impacts on you. We would also love to hear your ideas for how these challenges might be overcome and if/how you could be involved in the solutions.
We also want to improve how we communicate ‘Transition’ messages to people living in Exeter and raise awareness of the great work already being done to address issues as diverse as transport, renewable energy, recycling, local food and the local economy. What do think we should be saying, who should we be talking to, and what events and meetings could we organise to raise awareness of Transition Exeter across the city…?
If you would like to be involved in these important tasks then please do get in touch at .
Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, or subscribe to our newsletter.