Transition Exeter

Contact Us

Our big bottleneck is person time. If you can help us with weekly or occasional volunteering it would be wonderful – please fill in the contact form below, speak to any of the core group or contact us via the details below.

General enquiries

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Other ways of contacting us

Email for general enquiries:
or Gill Westcott 01884 230533
or Chrissy Allott on 07811 415424

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Other ways to get involved…

We’re really lucky that we’ve had consistent help from our supporters, who contribute towards our costs, attend events and help in other ways. Donations have helped pay part time those who have developed our community renewable energy company. We have also had some grant funding – never enough to finance the work we want to do, and preparing bids always takes a good deal of time. So this is a request also to help us further with funding.

Could you perhaps make a monthly contribution?

If we had 20 people funding us monthly, for amounts between £10 and £40, we could employ a part time worker, or an intern. There are many unemployed graduates, who would love to work for the public good but can’t find jobs at all. We could offer work and move forward faster with our projects if we could provide a basic income to such a person.

If you can do this please download and complete the standing order form and send it to .

We will be very grateful for any help you can give. One off donations are also very much appreciated. Please pay one-off donations by BACS to Transition Exeter, Co-op Bank, sort code 08-92-99, account 65261101. Please use your initials and “donation” as your reference.

Money is not all, however and we are constantly grateful for those who give their time, the more you give the more we can do, to get moving towards a greener and safer future! 

Gill Westcott, on behalf of the Transition Exeter fundraising group